HSENI inspects workplace transport for food businesses

The Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI) has announced that it will inspect food businesses’ workplace transport until March 2024. This inspection aims to ensure that all food businesses in Northern Ireland operate in a safe and responsible manner.

The safety check will be conducted by HSENI inspectors and focus on three key areas: site safety, safe vehicle, and safe driver. The inspectors will assess the food businesses’ workplace transport in these areas to ensure that the risk of accidents and injuries is minimised.

Site Safety

During the safety check, inspectors will assess the site to ensure adequate safety measures are in place. This includes evaluating the presence of a traffic management plan, which outlines the routes and procedures for vehicle movement within the site.

Additionally, inspectors will assess how well pedestrians and vehicles are separated on the site. It is crucial to ensure that there are designated walkways and areas where vehicles cannot encroach on pedestrian paths. This will prevent accidents and injuries.

Additionally, a designated pedestrian route will be examined. This route should be clearly signposted and free from hazards to ensure the safety of pedestrians working on the site.

Safe Vehicle

Inspectors will thoroughly inspect all vehicles used on the site to ensure they are safe and fit for purpose. This includes checking for all-around visibility, which is essential for drivers to see their surroundings clearly.

Daily checks and defects will be closely examined. It is crucial for food businesses to ensure that these checks are carried out regularly and that any defects are reported promptly. This ensures that vehicles are kept in proper condition and reduces the risk of accidents.

Safe Driver

Inspectors will also assess the drivers working on the site. This includes checking whether drivers hold valid licenses or training certificates. This ensures that drivers have the necessary skills and qualifications to operate vehicles safely.

Refresher training may also be required, depending on individual circumstances and the type of vehicle being used. Refresher training ensures drivers remain updated on safety practices and procedures.

Overall, the safety check conducted by the HSENI inspectors aims to ensure that all food businesses in Northern Ireland have safe workplace transport practices. By addressing site safety, safe vehicles, and safe drivers, HSENI aims to reduce the likelihood of accidents and injuries on the sites. This ultimately ensures the safety of workers, visitors, and the general public.

You can download the free guide from the H&S website https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/priced/hsg136.pdf page.